Friday, January 16, 2015

Imbolc Ritual Planting Seeds

Imbolc is right around the corner and in honor of it there are may things that we can do to celebrate it. One way is Planting seeds. Just as the seeds are germinating in the earth, Imbolic is a time in which you should imagine your thoughts and ideas starting to warm up after being in hibernating through the winter time. Here is a way to do it

1. Choose a quiet spot outdoors, in your garden or a local park or even beneath your favorite type of tree or bush.

2. Plant a seed or bulb in the ground - to make this place more special to you, choose the seed of your preferred plant or perhaps one associated with your zodiac sign.

3. Then light a small, white candle (to represent the virgin goddess purify) sit and watch it burn down. As you do so, imagine that the seed you have planted represents the thoughts and ideas you have sown in hope of the year ahead.

Plant a bulb for Imbolc. This sacred ritual will help to nurture future plans

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