Friday, January 16, 2015

Imbolc Ritual Fertility Doll

Imbolc is the opposite of Lammas when the corn Mother is made, and this festival also sees another form of fertility doll, but this time its for Brigid, or bride. These were traditionally made from oats, but can be made from any type of corn. You can either fashion a full doll or just tie up a few pieces of corn into a representative style and shape.

The Bridal Bed
Once you have made the fertility doll, dress it with lace and ribbons and lay it in a basket with flowers and a wand to create the virgin Goddess bridal bed. Light white candles for purity on either side of the basket then go to the front door and quietly call:

"Bride's bed is ready. Let bride come in Bride is Welcome"

In Celtic Beliefs, you are inviting in the virgins potential fertility and nurturing qualities.

Make a fertility Doll for Brigid and Place it in a bridal bed, to welcome the virgin into your home.

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