Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Solitary Witches Rede - My Way of Life

The Solitary Witch's Rede

I bide no law but the law of the heart
My coven sisters are Angels and Spirits fair
Growing in wisdom, honing my Art 
I turn to the East, inhaling the morning Air
Standing in my power, reaching ever higher
I open my arms to the Sun and greet Fire
Mother of the Ocean, I am your daughter
I look West, safe in Your clear blue water
I accept this form and honour my birth 
In Service to Humanity, I bow to Earth
What I send out comes back to me 
This holds true and is clear to see
I need no law of three times three 
The Wiccan Rede applies not to me
My Rede is my own - I do not take part
I am a Solitary Witch and I trust my own Heart 

Moon Spell to Revive a Witches Magikal Powers

Moon Spell to Revive A Witches Magikal Powers

"Great Ra, Lord of the sky and solar power,
Lend your fiery Magik to me.
Let this witches powers be reawakened and be as
powerful as the forces of the cool Moon
and burning sun, by soil, wind, flame and sea,
Grant my desire. So mote it be!"

Now your Magikal powers and your desire to
use them have been reawakened.

Take your snuffed out candle to your altar and
relight it there to burn out as a mark of
respect to the God and Goddess. Spells are far

more powerful it you write them yourself. 

Cleansing Ritual for A Sick Friend

Cleansing Ritual for A Sick Friend

Performing a cleansing spell will help to cleanse your sick friend of their illness, and of any problems that might interfere with their recovery, such as feelings of vulnerability and depression.

Before beginning the ritual, be mindful of your intentions. it is often necessary for someone to go through a period of illness before they can be well again. Always remember to say 'for the highest good' or 'by divine will' before performing healing spells to show that you are honoring the process of your friends illness as well as wishing for their recovery

Performing your Ritual

What you will need

1 pale blue pillar candle


a memento of your sick friend- such as a photo or a piece of their jewelry
Natural sea salt

You may perform this ritual up to three times a day

1. No Disturbances find a quiet place to perform your ritual
2. Healing Flowers place the flowers in a vase and set them down beside the candle
3. Remember the sick place the memento of your friend that you have chosen beside the candle
4. Bind your spell sprinkle a loose candle of natural sea salt around the group of items you have set up in order to define your magical area.
5. Candle Magic light your candle and watch it slowly burn.
6. thinking of you sit quietly for 15 minutes and imagine your friend’s pain or sickness dissolving into the salt.

7. Ground the Spell blow out your candle sweep up the salt, and dispose of it into some earth (away from plants, as salt can damage them)

Four Thieves Vinegar Information and Recipe

Four Thieves Vinegar

Herbal lore has it that, while the Plague was raging in France a rash of burglaries of plague victims' homes was discovered. No efforts was made, however, to apprehend the thieves, as it was assumed what they would soon succumb to the contagion in the homes they had robbed...

The thieves carried on their crime spree for some time, and people begun to wonder why they had not become ill and die. It was then that the authorities began to pursue them... to discover the secret of their immunity of the Plague.

Once the burglars had been apprehended, they struck a bargain with the authorities that they should be set free in exchange to revealing the secret to their immunity to the Plague.

It was then that the four thieves revealed the herbal disinfectant formula that rendered then immune to the Plague.

Current theories suggest that the formula, now called "Four Thieves Vinegar", may offer protection against fearsome possible threats, such as the flu, smallpox and biological weapons, which concern us today. As all of its ingredients are either strong anti-bacterial agents or have potent anti-viral properties.

1 part lavender, dried
1 part sage, dried
1 part thyme, dried
1 part lemon balm (Melissa), dried
1 part hyssop, dried
1 part peppermint, dried
1 handful garlic cloves
raw (unpasteurized), organic apple cider vinegar

In a glass jar, place all dry ingredients. Add raw (unpasteurized), organic apple cider vinegar to cover. Place jar in a cool place and let sit, at room temperature, for the weeks. Strain off herbs and garlic, and decant to the glass bottle or jar with a tight fitting lid.

Take a teaspoonful several times daily
add to salads either directly or in a salad dressing.
for personal protection, add a teaspoonful to herb water.

Use as a topical spray for disinfecting surfaces and or skin.

Kitchen Witches Blessing

Here is a Kitchen Witches Blessing

Blessed be this kitchen,
Of Air, Fire, Water and Earth
Be warmed by the sacred light
 Of the Goddess and Horned one
May all that is created here
By means both Magikal and Mundane
Bring nourishment, healing sustinence
and harm none
With love and peace, joy and magick
Be now and always filled

So Mote it Be )0(

The Kitchen Witches Creed

I consider my self a Solitary White Kitchen Witch.

The Kitchen Witches Creed

In this pot, I stir to the sun
an' follow the rule of harming none.
Banishment of bane when goin' widdershins;
an' with water and salt negativity is cleaned.
Household duties are more than chores.
Magick abounds when mopping floors.
With this broom, I do sweep
to clean my house and safely kepp.
Marigold, basil, thyme and yarrow
my spell is cast for a better tomorrow.
Lemons for joy and apples for health
the pow'r within brings great wealth.
And, in this kitchen I do pray

to truly walk the Witches' way. 

Kitchen Witchery - Herb List for Spells

Kitchen Witchery

Here is a herb list for spells. What they represent.






Poppy Seed


All Spice


Calry Sage
Lemon Balm




Hope this list helps you are on spells.

Blessed Be )0(

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Moon Manifestations Witch's Secret

New Moon Ritual Bath

New Moon is here tonight, This is what i'm  planning doing tonight! what are your ideas for tonight.

House Cleaning Spells - Sweeping The Floors

Every time I clean my house I usually have a little spell that I do for each task. Here is one of the one that I use while sweeping my floors.

"Sweep, Sweep
Sweep the ground.
All negativity
shall be bound.
I banish all
That is profane.
Only Positive
shall remain."

Has anyone else used this Spell before?

Share your house cleaning spells.

Here is another way to spell for when you sweep  your rooms in your home or business.

"Thrice swept round the room
each a blessing by the besom
may all negativity flee

pleasant shall this room now be."

Friday, January 16, 2015

Imbolc Ritual Fertility Doll

Imbolc is the opposite of Lammas when the corn Mother is made, and this festival also sees another form of fertility doll, but this time its for Brigid, or bride. These were traditionally made from oats, but can be made from any type of corn. You can either fashion a full doll or just tie up a few pieces of corn into a representative style and shape.

The Bridal Bed
Once you have made the fertility doll, dress it with lace and ribbons and lay it in a basket with flowers and a wand to create the virgin Goddess bridal bed. Light white candles for purity on either side of the basket then go to the front door and quietly call:

"Bride's bed is ready. Let bride come in Bride is Welcome"

In Celtic Beliefs, you are inviting in the virgins potential fertility and nurturing qualities.

Make a fertility Doll for Brigid and Place it in a bridal bed, to welcome the virgin into your home.

Imbolc Ritual Planting Seeds

Imbolc is right around the corner and in honor of it there are may things that we can do to celebrate it. One way is Planting seeds. Just as the seeds are germinating in the earth, Imbolic is a time in which you should imagine your thoughts and ideas starting to warm up after being in hibernating through the winter time. Here is a way to do it

1. Choose a quiet spot outdoors, in your garden or a local park or even beneath your favorite type of tree or bush.

2. Plant a seed or bulb in the ground - to make this place more special to you, choose the seed of your preferred plant or perhaps one associated with your zodiac sign.

3. Then light a small, white candle (to represent the virgin goddess purify) sit and watch it burn down. As you do so, imagine that the seed you have planted represents the thoughts and ideas you have sown in hope of the year ahead.

Plant a bulb for Imbolc. This sacred ritual will help to nurture future plans

Imbolic Ritual Making a Brigid's Cross

At Imbolc, it was traditional to make a Brigid's Cross to welcome the goddess into the home. These were hung over doors or windows for the year then burned and replaced at next Imbolc. Make your own Brigid's Cross. Here are some instructions.

1. Bind two sticks of equal length to form a cross.

2. Imagine your cross is Marge of four sticks and number them 1-4, form the top, going round clockwise.

3. Tie a silver ribbon around stick 1, close to the centre of the cross, then take it to the right of the cross, then take it to the right of stick 2 and wrap it around the back. From the left of stick 2, take the ribbon round to the right of stick 3 and wrap it round the back; take it from the left of stick 3 to the right of stick 4 and so on. Continue weaving in this way.

4. when its complete adorn your cross with other decorative items.

Make a Brigid's cross with sticks and silver ribbon, to hang up for the whole year. 

Imbolc Ritual Purification Bath

With Imbolc there are many ways in which someone could celebrate. In one way you could do a Purifying bath in which one could do a ritual cleansing that would give someone a fresh start. So take a ritual bath at Imbolc in your own homemade "healing well". Here are some instructions.

1. First Collect some snowdrops and then set the scene in your bathroom with lit candles around the bath tub, to signify the burning away of old ideas as well as the coming of the light. Choose white candles for purity and green to recall and welcome the spring.

2. Burn juniper oil in a burner and put a drop or two in the bath water. This oil is chosen because it is a very powerful auric cleanser.

3. Summon Brigid with the snowdrops, scattering them in the bath. 

4. Relax in the water, using an apple green soap - and a white towel to dry off. 

Collect a few snowdrops at Imbolc to summon the goddess Brigid. 

Blessed Be! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Ordains (The Witches Laws)

The Ordains
(The Witches Laws)

1.   And ye harm none, do as ye will.
2.   If you know the Rede is being broken, you must work strongly against it.
3.   Watch, listen and withhold judgment; in debate you your silences be long, your thoughts clear and your words carefully chosen.
4.   Never boast, or threaten, or speak evil of anyone.
5.   Be truthful always, save when speaking would lead to a great harm.
6.   Keep clean your body, your clothes, and your house.
7.   Should you take a task upon yourself, work hard and well to accomplish it properly and in good time. Always do the best you can.
8.   Do not haggle over the price of your ritual tools.
9.   Witches know that there are no absolute truths.
10. Witches understand that the universe consists of perfect balance; therefore,
everything has an opposite.
11. Witches realize that for every action there is a reaction. (The Law of Three).
12. Witches know that we are all one, we are all connected.
13. Never lie to yourself for this is the ultimate act of deceit.
14. Witches understand that the ultimate act of spirituality is the act of positive creation through love.
15. Witches realize that the energy created through worship and rituals manifests as a circular stream of positive energy.
16. Witches should never close their minds to knowledge.
17. Never practice a magickal system that you don’t fully understand.
18. Do not set a price on your magickal work.
19. A Witch uses the magickal circle as a physical and non-physical representation of a temple on the earth plane.
20. Witches use the energies around them to assist in raising power.
21. Witches use common sense and do not share their mysteries with fools.
22. A Witch who knowingly breaks the Law (Ordains) will not be permitted to
incarnate on Earth again.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Blessed Imbolc

There is only 21 days until the Blessed Imbolc. I will be try and post different things I do for Imbolc. The first thing that I do is with my kids. I try and get my kids involved as much as possible. We plant our seeds of wishes. You can jump over here and check out the post. What do you do for Imbolc.  

Imbolc Traditions

On of me and my kids favorite Imbolc Traditions that we do together is that I send the out with a pie pan full of rich dark soil. Then we are sit around the table and write out our dreams for the up coming year on little scraps of paper. Then we roll up in little ball to represent seeds, then we plant them in dirt so that our dreams and grow it year. I light some candles and let them burn down.

What are some of your Imbolc Traditions that you do with your family?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Moon and Full Moons 2015

Here is a the list of the New Moon and Full Moons for 2015 

Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to my Blog! I have created this space for fellow brothers and sisters to get some insight on our path. I will be posting information, spells etc for everyone to use.