Friday, March 20, 2015

Five Ideas for Celebrating Spring Equinox (without a Group, Grove or Coven)

1. Start Your Seeds
        If you garden and you haven't started your seeds yet, it may be time, even if they're indoors in a pot. If you don't garden, consider getting a simple plant (basil or rosemary are great, since they're also useful in the kitchen) and starting it on a window sill or ledge

2. Seek New Life
          Go into your back yard, or a park, or just to a grassy spot. Look for signs of greening, birds you haven't seen since autumn, or flowers poking up from the earth. Reflect on what it means that life is renewed.

3. Pray for Sun-Stations
          There are three points on the Equinox when all is equal; solar noon, dawn, and sunset. Create a brief prayer for each of these stations, and check to find out when they occur at your location. Then speak each prayer at the appointed time.

4. Transfer your Hearth Flame
      If you keep a hearth flame, take it outside and light a bonfire with it transferring that flame that keeps your house warm to the fire of fellowship that we kindle and sit around on those warm nights to come.

5. Dye Divinatory Eggs
       Hard boil 24-25 eggs, then take the clear way crayon that comes in an egg dying kit and write a Rune or Ogham sign on each egg. Then, mix them up and pick three; Dye those three eggs to see what blessings will come to you in the spring

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