At Imbolc,
it was traditional to make a Brigid's Cross to welcome the goddess into the
home. These were hung over doors or windows for the year then burned and
replaced at next Imbolc. Make your own Brigid's Cross. Here are some
1. Bind
two sticks of equal length to form a cross.
2. Imagine
your cross is Marge of four sticks and number them 1-4, form the top, going
round clockwise.
3. Tie a
silver ribbon around stick 1, close to the centre of the cross, then take it to
the right of the cross, then take it to the right of stick 2 and wrap it around
the back. From the left of stick 2, take the ribbon round to the right of stick
3 and wrap it round the back; take it from the left of stick 3 to the right of
stick 4 and so on. Continue weaving in this way.
4. when
its complete adorn your cross with other decorative items.
Make a
Brigid's cross with sticks and silver ribbon, to hang up for the whole year.
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